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We're here to help you get over the hump.
Fiction should pull readers into a story. Unlike life, however, your fiction should make sense. It should have a beginning, a middle, and an end—but not necessarily in that order. Your writing should be compelling. Your dialogue should advance the plot, and it should give insight into your characters. My goal is to help you ensure that that happens.
As your editor, I will guide you through the process of writing the best book you can write. I will help you connect with your readers, so you can keep them wanting more. I have been writing and helping writers with their works for over twenty years, and love what I do. It will be a collaborative process. You should be learning what works and what doesn’t, and you should be able to ask questions and receive answers to those questions as we work on making magic of your words. By the end of our working together, I want you to be self-aware of what works, what doesn't, and why.
If you’ve completed a novel, or are close to it, send me an email and we can jump on a call to discuss your project and how we can work together to get your book into the best shape it can be.
Here are some kind words from some happy clients:
"Cully has been a primary guide in putting the structure together for three of my published novels and two that are seeking representation. When he sits down across the table from you, he can offer up what works, what doesn't, and make detailed suggestions on improving the work. His insight into character is spot-on, and he's fearless at telling you when dialogue has gone adrift. Plus, he's funny as hell."
—Scott Jones, award-winning author of A Rising Tide of People Swept Away, The Big Wheel, Jupiter and Gilgmesh
"I highly recommend Cully's workshop. He's a fantastic writer, extremely insightful with all styles. I've workshopped with him several times, and always come away brimming with ideas on how to improve my work. He helps me generate enthusiasm even when I'm stuck. So encouraging. I know with Cully I'm leave with a clear understanding of where I need to take my characters and plot."
—Peter Stravlo—author of CUBA: An adventure in image and word, with Peggy McGivern
“I have relied on Cully's close reading of my work, a full draft of 300 pages or so, every time. His critiques are candid and direct. He identifies areas where opportunities are missed, specific passages that are well written, and segments that need revision. HIs writing style and mine are different from one another, but he understands. That's important in that he doesn't make suggestions designed to make my writing a clone of his, but rather identifies ways in which I can improve my work within my own approach to storytelling."
—Teddy Jones, award-winning author of Jackson’s Pond, Texas, Halfwide, Slanted Light, Marva Cope, Nowhere Near, and Making it Home
NovelMasterClass.com will help you get your manuscript ready to submit to literary agents, editors at publishing houses, as well as self-publishing platforms like KDP, by focusing on what's important, and working with you to improve the below elements of your novel:
Point of View
& more
Contact us at Support@novelmasterclass.com to learn more about our process, our qualifications, our pricing, and more. We can also jump on a call to discuss your project.
If you aren't yet ready to submit your work, feel free to Subscribe to Novelmasterclass.com's BLOG to get the latest Writing Tips & Tricks sent directly to you.
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Contact us at Support@novelmasterclass.com for our editing rates
Get started today. You'll never get that novel published if you don't make it happen.

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NovelMasterClass has editors you can work with right now. Just get in touch with us and we can discuss your project. Email us at Support@Novelmasterclass.com
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Everyone has a book in them. Let's get yours done.

About Us
We're published novelists and short story writers
I’m so glad you’ve arrived. NovelMasterClass.com's blog is where you'll learn about all of the craft elements you'll need to write your novel. We'll take you from initial idea all the way through completing your first draft, revisions, and how you can go about securing an agent. Subscribe now to make you're you're not left behind.
About YOU
You're a writer, or you've always wanted to be a writer. You've put it off long enough. Now's the time for you to actually go after your dream of being a novelist. Join us at NovelMasterClass.com and TAKE THE LEAP to becoming a published author.
Peter Stravlo
“I highly recommend Cully's workshop. He's a fantastic writer, extremely insightful with all styles. I've workshopped with him several times, and always come away brimming with ideas on how to improve my work. He helps me generate enthusiasm even when I'm stuck. So encouraging. I know with Cully I'm going to leave with a clear understanding of where I need to take my characters and plot."
Scott Archer Jones
"Cully has been a primary guide in putting the structure together for three of my published novels and two that are seeking representation. When he sits down across the table from you, he can offer up what works, what doesn't, and make detailed suggestions on improving the work. His insight into character is spot-on, and he's fearless at telling you when dialogue has gone adrift. Plus, he's funny as hell."
Teddy Jones
“I have relied on Cully's close reading of my work, a full draft of 300 pages or so, every time. His critiques are candid and direct. He identifies areas where opportunities are missed, specific passages that are well written, and segments that need revision. HIs writing style and mine are different from one another, but he understands. That's important in that he doesn't make suggestions designed to make my writing a clone of his, but rather identifies ways in which I can improve my work within my own approach to storytelling."”